Friday, June 17, 2016

2016 Fellows Visit John Peace Library

One of the continuing highlights of the AALCI is our annual visit to John Peace Library at UTSA to meet with faculty and staff. The librarians always provide the Fellows with valuable information about navigating databases and pursuing research.

On June 14, DeeAnn Ivie, Scholarly Resources & Social Sciences Librarian, and Agnieszka (Agnes) Czeblakow, Rare Books Librarian, led the workshop and instruction sessions, which the Fellows found helpful.

According to Nia Brookins, a Writing and Journalism major from Texas Christian University, "The process of collecting data for research seemed less intimidating because UTSA does a good job of creating an inviting environment with clean facilities and staff invested in student success. My favorite part about our visit was when we were allowed to rummage through some of the special collections ourselves. I felt more inclined to dive into my scholarly studies and ask questions or concerns when I needed help."

Angel Dye, an English major from Howard University said, "Viewing and handling the documents and memorabilia in the Special Collections archive at the library was really a special experience for me. Things like vintage church fans, invitations, and programs from black gatherings in San Antonio were familiar items from my own upbringing, but I saw them as historical and cultural for the first time."

AALCI 2016
Visiting the John Peace Library

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