Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Agnes Czeblakow, Special Collections, and Teleportation

Fellows examining materials from Special Collections

According to some of the popular stereotypes, archival work is supposed to be boring, you know, devoid of any excitement. Somehow,  Agnes Czeblakow, Rare Books Librarian at UTSA  didn't get that memo. On June 12, she designed activities for a group of students that transformed them into investigators.

Last year, Agnes demonstrated the art of foreshadowing. This year, she was in teleportation mode. The students began in one place with what they thought about archival work and special collections, and Agnes took them to a totally different place.

Agnes Czeblakow discusses special collections with Joycelyn Moody

We looked through materials from some of the special collections. The Fellows were most intrigued by the letters from one poet to another. The writing was eloquent and creative, and at the same time, it was exciting because it was presented in the context of every day situations.

We wondered what else we might find in other special collections. The Fellows were intrigued. All of us were intrigued.

Agnes, got us to that place of intrigue. She's well versed on the exciting routes and destinations within the holdings, and how to get there.

Visiting the John Peace Library
AALCI 2017


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